VIT Standards for Graduating Teachers
Professional Engagement
Teachers reflect on, evaluate and improve their professional practice
Graduating teachers will:
Teachers reflect on, evaluate and improve their professional practice
Graduating teachers will:
7.1 recognise the value of regularly reflecting on their professional knowledge and practice, and develop strategies for reflection individually and collectively.
I am reflective by nature, and reflecting on my practice and areas for improvement is something that I find particularly beneficial. This occurred throughout the whole of my teaching placement, however I also got some constructive feedback from my mentor in the early days, an example being a numeracy lesson during a unit on money and budgets.
My strategy to date has been sitting down after a class and writing or typing notes, however I am open to the idea of debriefing and reflecting with colleagues.
My strategy to date has been sitting down after a class and writing or typing notes, however I am open to the idea of debriefing and reflecting with colleagues.
7.2 be aware of their own strengths, preferences and needs as a learner, and can identify areas for development as an emerging practitioner and member of the profession.
I am a self-aware, self-directed learner and I have a strong motivation to continue learning throughout my career and my life. Frequent reflection on my lessons and teaching practice means I am regularly trying to find new and better strategies and pedagogical methods, and I have a good understanding of the weaknesses in my repertoire. Completing mid and end of year reports on my teaching with mentor teachers has allowed me to verify some of the areas for improvement I had identified.
7.3 engage in discussion of contemporary issues and research in education.
Contemporary issues in education are something that I find extremely compelling and do read up on in my own time. The research essay that I completed for Social Context of Teaching and Learning was difficult in that I had to restrict my research and response to the scope of the assessment. There is a lot more to be discovered about the currently unmonitored disadvantage of same-sex attracted and queer identifying students and I hope to be able to participate in that research at a future time.
In April 2012 I participated in a Symposium titled Freire Reloaded. It was a full day event in which like-minded teaching professionals came together to discuss issues and think about possible strategies and solutions. This was an amazing experience and really helped me to feel connected to the wider teaching profession.
In April 2012 I participated in a Symposium titled Freire Reloaded. It was a full day event in which like-minded teaching professionals came together to discuss issues and think about possible strategies and solutions. This was an amazing experience and really helped me to feel connected to the wider teaching profession.
7.4 understand the structures and skills which underpin collegiate practice and demonstrate a capacity to work collaboratively within the profession.
I was able to develop some solid relationships with colleagues at Baden Powell P-9 College because I was placed there over a two year period. By the end of my time I was invited to participate in and contribute to a planning day. This involved the teachers from one or two year levels coming together as a group and cooperatively planning the next unit of work in method groups. I collaborated on the ABS (Humanities) planner for term 4 2012 with six other teachers. We each had different backgrounds and unique perspectives on the material and so the whole process was not only interesting and at times fun, but also produced a well thought out unit plan. I believe that the best outcomes for both students and teachers arise when there is an environment that fosters and supports collaboration.